
At the risk of sounding as though C and I are parents out of touch, we were once again surprised by BB last week when we learned from his teacher that he's been spelling out words.  Using the Montessori movable alphabet (which I blogged about on Ohdeedoh last year), BB looks at picture cards, names the object and then spells out the word.  This week his teacher wrote down for us a list of words he's been spelling.  It's impressive.

We are charging ahead with plans for summer.  I know, it's not quite Spring even but folks, this is D.C.  You have to get a move on.  One of the things we've been doing in addition to planning out the boys' summer activities as well as family trips is to look for another nanny to supplement our nanny.  This will be the first time we've done this.  Last night the frontrunner for the job stopped by for an interview.  She's a sophomore at a local university.  Very sweet.  We like her.  The plan is to have her help us do pick up at camp for at least one of the boys and take them to activities and outings.  The fact is things get complicated when you have more than one child with different schedules and different activities.  We're not in denial; it's challenging but we are so looking forward to it all.


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