Saturday Freedom

This past Saturday morning was one of those rare unscheduled days.  The housekeepers kicked us out early in the morning so we headed out for coffee and the National Mall without much of an agenda.  C works for the Smithsonian and one of the great perks is enjoying the museums before they open to the crowds.  We arrived around 9:30 to a wide open Air & Space Museum save for the security guards and a few staff members.  Heaven.  The boys went from exhibit to exhibit pushing buttons, asking questions, having fun.

When the doors opened to the public we left for the open fields of the National Mall.  The boys chased a flock of birds back and forth until the birds finally gave up and left.  Then we headed over to the National Gallery for lunch and some more fun.  I had a few moments to browse through the museum stores and found a few books that I'll be going back for next week


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