Gun Control

Santa Claus made yet another appearance last week, dropping off the much-awaited Zurg Blaster.  Two of them actually, much to DD's delight.  We shy away from buying guns for the boys but that does nothing to squelch their hardwired need for guns.  They fire up their imaginations and turn Legos and sticks into guns.  But sometimes you have to succumb to the Disney mega-machine and buy that plastic toy.  Especially when that toy was no longer available and sold only on ebay, and then suddenly made a reappearance last week on the Disney online store.

Why don't I like to buy toy guns for the boys, I hear you asking.  Well, it's hard to explain but it's like this.  On most weekday evenings, I come home, play with the boys a bit and retreat into the kitchen to start prepping for dinner.  The boys usually play together while I'm doing this and I'll poke my head in every so often to make sure things are okay.  The other night, I went over to check on things and overheard the following conversation:

BB: You can have that piece, DD.  I'm not Mr. Freeze.  I'm the Green Goblin with my purple bag of pumpkin bombs.
DD: Oh.  You not Mr. Freeze?  Ok, I Zurg.  I shoot geen balls.  You not Geen Goblin.  You Hob Goblin.
BB:  No, DD!  I'm NOT the Hob Goblin, I'm the Green Goblin.
DD: Oh, I thought you Hob Goblin.  [They see me and come towards me.]  Come on, let's shoot geen balls and pumpkins to Mommy.
BB: That's a great idea, DD.  Haha, Mommy I threw a pumpkin bomb on your butt butt and now it's on fire.
DD: Me too.  I shoot geen balls on your butt butt and it hurt.

All this while I have oil heating up in a skillet over an open flame.


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