Mom, I Want A Motorcycle

We've been discussing whether it's time to get rid of our strollers.  All of them.  We have a Bugaboo Cameleon with a boogie board.  We have a Maclaren XT for trips.  We have a single jogging stroller for runs.  We have a double Burley bike trailer for bike rides.  And we have a Phil and Ted's Vibe double for everyday.  Yes, that's 5 strollers for two kids.  The thing is day to day we don't any of the strollers at all.  The boys like to walk (er, run) to wherever it is we are going.  We really only put them in the Vibe when the destination is far and time is tight.  So if they request to go to a playground a bit out of the way, we'll put them in the stroller.

The discussion of being stroller-free made me realize that we are out of the baby gear phase altogether.  No more diaper bags, swings, bouncy seats, jumperoos, or Bjorns.  We are down to just car seats in the car.  It's so liberating.  The next phase is all about bicycles and scooters and skateboards.  And then one day...a motorcycle.  I preemptively blame this on C.


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