Spring Break 2011 - Day 2

Sunday was our first full day in the Outer Banks.  The weather has been awful - cold and rainy.  But it hasn't stopped us from having fun.  We took a drive South to check things out, came back up for some shopping and lunch in Duck and then stopped for some candy and sorbet.  We also made a visit to Old Corolla Village which is charming.  The bookstore in the Village has a (surprisingly) fantastic selection for kids.  We came away with some new favorites.

In the afternoon we hit the beach despite the cold temperatures.  BB raced on the sand with C and it wasn't until he came all the way back that he told us that he was the tortoise and C was the hare.  "Slow and steady wins the race" he proclaimed.  (Books are great!).

We've been having lots of fun but our first night wasn't snafu-free.  The boys fell asleep without problems but DD woke up at 4:30 complaining of stomach pains.  I spent the next 3 hours trying to lull him to sleep in my arms.  Around 7:30 when DD just about passed out, BB got out of bed and started wandering the house looking for us.  We're staying in a three story house with 7 bedrooms so by the time he had checked upstairs and downstairs and came up empty, he was starting to panic.  I heard him yell for me and I had no choice but to yell back and calm him, which of course woke DD right up.  Damn this huge beautiful house right on the beach!


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