Moving On

This winter has been a momentous time for BB (see here) and DD.  DD officially is potty-trained.  No more diapers or wipes or changing tables.  C said this to me the other night with a sigh.  Of course we're extremely happy and proud to move on from that stage, but milestones for parents are always bittersweet.  To celebrate, I bought DD some underwear and we dropped off a huge bundle of diapers and pull-ups at the Goodwill last week.

As if this weren't enough, his preschool teacher told us that DD is ready to transition to the Primary program.  Again, another bittersweet moment.  The Primary program is a 3-year unit for students from 3 to 6.  BB is in his second year of the Primary program (for my attorney friends, BB is a 2L or 2P).  DD will be the youngest child in the class.  I didn't think I would have two kids in Primary until next year but it's happening now.  As in today.

After just two short years of life, my little DD feels all grown up already.


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