Suburban Sundays

I think I've mentioned here that on most Sundays we venture to my parents' house.  It's a great opportunity for GG/PP to see the boys once a week and for the boys to bask in the limelight.  There is a playground, a pool for the summer, a creek in the backyard for exploring, a big yard for sprinklers, a driveway for chalk drawing, and a deck for everything else.  While they play, C and I run around like crazy people to do all of our shopping, suburban-style - malls, grocery stores, and big box stores.  On a good day we'll have a chance to grab a coffee together and buy some magazines and books before heading off to the next errand or rushing back for naptime.  Once the boys are asleep, C and I rush out again for round 2 of super shopping.

This past Sunday while we were out GG/PP took the boys to a nearby park/playround at BB's specific request.  The relatively mild weather made it a perfect day for it.  When C and I returned, we were greeted with this scene.  DD was at the computer watching a Youtube video of Buzz Lightyear while BB was seated at the coffee table intently drawing Mr. Freeze.


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