Changes Are Coming

Remember this post in which I alluded to professional opportunities that had come up for me?  Well, that issue really came to a head recently and the long and the short of it is I have decided to take that position.  It will mean more hours and time spent on work.  There will be travel and last minute schedule changes.  That said it is a great position and one that rarely becomes available so after some thought, I took it.

If I know anything in all my years of private practice it is that a little more on one end cannot be ignored or explained away as a rounding error.  Everything counts so more time on work will mean less time with the family, less time for me to pursue my personal interests.  But I'm striking a balance folks.  I want to maintain my current situation but in order to do so in the long term, I need to do this now.

There's nothing new here but this time around I do feel in more control of the situation.  I'm making deliberate steps now in order to make the future I envision for myself and my family more certain.


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