Late Summer Check In

I haven't felt much like picking up the camera lately hence the paltry number of posts.  Partly it has to do with the impending transition at work and my general concern that summer is slipping through my fingers like sand.  But it's also because we've been so active - swimming at the pool and at the beach, going on date nights with C, watching baseball games, and just enjoying our summer.

We're headed into a one of our rare unscheduled weekends again.  Only a swim lesson and the housekeepers are on the schedule; otherwise, we're free and unencumbered.  BB has shifted his attention to squid (as distinct from octopus) so he's asked to goto the National Aquarium in Baltimore.  That, pool time, a water balloon fight and a trip to the farmer's market is what it's looking like for the weekend.  The weekend starts now.


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