Summer Cold

I've been sick from a simple summer cold.  It was the one that DD contracted from the pediatrician's office.  It took each of us about a week to recover, him fully; me only partially.  There is nothing worse than a summer virus - the rest of the world looks so sunny and tanned having fun eating outdoors, swimming, biking.  I, on the other hand, wore long sleeves and hid in the house away from extreme temperatures drinking icy water and hot tea.  Chills in 90 degree weather is plain wrong.

So instead of a big outing where I would be exposing the unsuspecting public, we went to my parents' house instead.  The boys had the run of the house both inside and out.  At some point, both of them lost their pants.  They ate way too many lollipops, taking advantage of me in my vulnerable state.  DD is shouting hello to a (dead) spider in that second photo.

I was still feeling regretful of our lost day together but then I looked back at the photos I took of the day and realized that they had a great time anyway.  The end of this week should bring some beautiful weather to DC.  We'll be at the beach and pool all weekend long.


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