Earthquake = Smoothies + Haircuts + Lollipops

Unbelievable as it sounds, there was an earthquake here in D.C. yesterday that registered 5.8.  After it was all over, C and I left our offices and went home to make sure the kids were ok.  Our nanny was a little shaken but all else was well on the homefront.  We were faced with a few free hours and beautiful weather.  We were, however, limited in our choices of things to do because the traffic in the city was snarled, the Metro undoubtedly packed and operating at reduced speeds, and the museums and monuments evacuated.  So we settled for some good old neighborhood fun.  We got smoothies at the corner cafe and then the boys went to get haircuts.

Later in the evening I read that the West Coast has been teasing and poking fun at D.C. and the East Coast for its reaction to the earthquake.  Really?  We're getting competitive on who has larger seismic disasters?  Fine, you win.


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