Menominee Nation

One of the many things C and I share an interest in are the cultures and history of Native Americans and all aboriginal peoples.  As part two of our Saturday morning outing, we headed over to the American Indian museum for lunch and because we are extremely lucky, found ourselves at the start of a program put on by the Menominee Nation.  There were dancers, including a princess, dressed in their traditional clothing.  Accompanying them were several singers/drummers.  Oh it was a sight to be there watching them.  And the boys?  Mesmerized.  Having just finished a study on Native Americans during Thanksgiving, BB had been asking many questions about Native Americans and asking to see and meet one.  And there we were.

At the midpoint of the show, DD's appetite took over so we headed over to the fabulous Mitsitam Cafe for some of the best maple roasted turkey and butternut squash I've had.  DD ate the entire plate of turkey.  BB was so entranced that they didn't join us until much later.


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