Can't Believe It's Already Over

As much as I love Christmas, I usually hate the day after.  The transition is so sudden and jarring.  And then the realization that it won't be Christmas again until next year.  The boys spent the morning playing with their new toys before we went out for a walk around the neighborhood.  There were some books they wanted that Santa hadn't brought.  When we got home, BB and DD jumped in their new moon bounce.  Man, is that thing large but it will come in handy during the dead of winter.

We spent the evening with good friends but before heading over, BB and I went to our local bakery to pick out special iced and sugar cookies to bring.  The grown-ups enjoyed food and conversation while the kids played together.  It also ended in yet another round of gifts for BB and DD.  I like this idea of post-Christmas Day festivities spent with friends.  It's a cushion that softens the blow that Christmas is really over.

I'm trying to get excited fot the New Year celebration but it's never been my favorite holiday.  Maybe it's because we have young kids now and I haven't yet figured out any family traditions that I enjoy.  I'll work on it.


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