Finally...A Santa Sighting

A colleague told me about a fantastic garden center/nursery out in her neck of the woods awhile back.  It's one of  those places I had in the back of my mind but didn't know when we'd find the time.  Then Saturday morning presented itself as the perfect opportunity to run to this (very) faraway garden center to buy holiday poinsettia and forced bulbs.  We made the long drive and arrived to a true Christmas fantasy.  The entire store was decked out in holiday cheer.  There was a huge winter village display, model trains winding through mountains in a separate display, tons of Christmas tree vignettes, rows and rows of poinsettias, paper whites and amarylis, and...Santa!  We saw a line of people and then C figured it that it was a line to see Santa Claus. 

We fortified ourselves with Italian soda and iced tea.  Actually, the line moved pretty quickly and in no time, BB and DD were on Santa's lap reading from their mental list of presents they expected to see.  Afterwards we had candy canes and boxes of popcorn.


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