BB And The City

Saturday morning was my much anticipated one-on-one time with BB.  BB had declined a party invitation for that morning while DD had accepted another party invitation, leaving C and I each with one kid each.

We rode the metro a few stops to visit the Marian Koshland Science Museum, a first for us.  One of its current exhibits is "Infectious Diseases."  Need I say more?  We spent a good chunk of the morning perusing and reading the information together.  Then we walked over to the Building Museum for a light lunch and some shopping in the gift shop, one of the best shops for design in the city.  BB was delighted to find that they also carried the plush microbe toys he is so fond of.  We each walked away with a few early Christmas gifts for ourselves.  In the afternoon was yet another birthday party to attend.  Celebrating with classmates and friends while having some one-on-one time with the kids in between was a nice way to spend the day.


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