Turkey Dinner, Turkey Dinner

The four of us spent the night at my parents' house Thursday night.  We figured the boys could stay up later for the holiday if we didn't have to factor in the drive home.  In the early afternoon, we took a walk in my old neighborhood, collecting things for our nature table and playing at the playground.  At dinner, DD regaled us with his Thanksgiving songs -
Turkey dinner, Turkey dinner; 
Gather round, Gather round;
Who will get the drumstick, yummy yummy yumstick;
Gather round, Gather round.
After the boys went to bed, C and I went Black Friday shopping for the first time in our lives.  I thought it would be a low key affair, a few other night owls like myself shopping in the wee hours of the morning.  Man, was I wrong.  There were lines out the door to get into the good stores.  Rather than shop, we spent a few hours people watching before heading home.


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