
This year Halloween was a much more sedate affair than year's past.  Maybe it was because Halloween fell on a Monday.  Whatever the reason, it was a welcome respite from the full on Halloween season we've been experiencing.  Like last year, we went to GG and PP's neighborhood for good old fashioned suburban style trick-or-treating.  The decorations in my parents' neighborhood are charming and fun, but not over the top.  The treats are interesting too - the usual chocolates with some pencils and a 50 cent piece thrown in. 

Wall-E had a momentary setback when this mama accidentally gave him a milk candy and caused him some discomfort.  (In my defense, it was dark out there).  We headed back, broke out some popsicles and was about to call it a night when the boys discovered that handing out candy to trick-or-treaters is just as fun as trick-or-treating.  Wall-E is already asking when the next Halloween will come around.  And he's requested that we throw a Halloween party.


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