Our Evenings

On many weeknights you can find us walking in our neighborhood for coffee, smoothies, books, house ogling.  If I'm ever short an ingredient or two for dinner, all I have to do is send DD out with his pint-sized shopping cart.  He wheels it from the bottom of our stoop all the way to the store and back again without trouble.  At the store he gingerly puts in eggs and strawberries, unloads them on the conveyor belt, and then puts them all back in again.  People stop me to tell me how cute this is.  I am just happy not to have to carry anything.

I needed baby portabello mushrooms for dinner the other night and sent my 3 men out for the task.  After a bit, I decided to join them but they were nowhere to be found in the store.  As it turns out, BB and DD got sidetracked with the playground on the way, DD's shopping cart ditched in the corner.  After about an hour I finally got him to go to the store and buy what we needed.  It was pitch black by then but we had our mushrooms for dinner.

We're having Thanksgiving at my parents' house this year and I am truly thankful for the time off, starting tonight, to spend with my little family.  


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