At The Beach...Sort Of

On the morning of Black Friday, C and I woke up after only a few hours of sleep, fueled up on coffee and eggs, and on a whim went to Great Falls on the Maryland side.  The weather was glorious and everyone who wasn't shopping for bargains was at Great Falls.  But that's the thing about the great outdoors - it never seems crowded.

We barely hiked at all before finding a steep trail that led to a beachy area and the Potomac.  Both the boys declared that we had found the beach!  The next couple of hours was spent with pant cuffs progressively rolled up shorter and shorter and shoes and socks completely off.  At the end of it all, the boys were each soaked to the waist.  That's how lots of adventures end up for us.  Luckily, we had several changes of clothing in the car since we just came from our slumber party at my parents' house.


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