An Art Jam Session

Maybe it's the colder weather.  Or the shorter days.  Whatever the cause, the boys, both of them, have had a renewed interest in art recently.  BB, as I've mentioned many times, is truly a young artist.  A sharp set of colored pencils and nice drawing paper can occupy him for hours.  We have to replenish our paper supply often.  Bread, milk, drawing paper...

While BB is content to draw, DD is interested in using different mediums - markers, paints, dot art markers.  Currently, our dining table and their art table is covered in supplies and artwork.  I wrote a post over at Ohdeedoh about using good-quality art supplies for kids and believe it makes all the difference.  We'll be asking Santa to add to our art supplies this Christmas.

I had originally planned to go to a small museum in the city we've never visited before.  Work, however, got in the way like it often does these days.  I was feeling frustrated and guilty that we weren't embarking on a field trip for yet another week and then this jam session happened on this rainy afternoon.

Technically, DD is not making art but practicing his writing in the photos above.  His choice and something new for him.


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