Happy 1st Birthday

Today this little blog of mine turns 1.  It hardly feels like a year of blogging but when I went back into the archives last night and looked at the photos of the boys, I could see how much time had actually transpired.  My sons are growing up. 

This has been a year of change for our family.  C and I have made a concerted and deliberate effort to slow down.  That was the main impetus for me to start this blog - an attempt to slow/stop time at intervals and live in the moment by documenting our lives and the things that interest me and bring me joy.  We're certainly not done transitioning.  I've taken steps, incremental steps, towards our ultimate goals for our family. 

Yesterday morning when I stepped outside of our house, I was stunned by the golden beauty of our gingko tree.  It is there every year and I look forward to its yellow leaves every year but somehow it manages to surprise me again and again.  I didn't have time to go grab the camera so I snapped a few photos with my phone instead.  Remember the gingkos from exactly one year ago?

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and it's up to me to cook the entire dinner.  We've got a bunch of family activities and crafts planned for the super long weekend.  Plus I'm ready to start on the Christmas decor (more on this next week).  Throw in a night with friends, a date night and organizing/purging to make room for gifts from Santa and it's a full next few days.  Happy Thanksgiving!


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