Inaugural Post

I've no reason but laziness not to start a blog about the boys. I'm no stranger to blogging and I've got a lot to say about family, parenting, design, food, shopping, and much much more. We're excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner. The weather has been unseasonably warm (albeit wet) which has allowed us to enjoy more outdoor time than usual this time of year. Two weekends ago we went to the American History Museum and then took the last carousel ride on the National Mall as the darkness set in. This is the carousel that whips around really fast. After having ridden this one, the boys are lukewarm towards other ones that go slower - no thrill. If you're in DC and have a moment between museums, definitely take the kids. Walking towards our car in the darkness with the lighted carousel and the Monument (aka the "Rocket") in the background was pure joy.

The picture above is of the boys at Hadley's playground in Potomac. It was our first visit there on a Friday where BB's school was closed. It's a good playground but as you can see, my boys wanted to walk the trail and tussle in the leaves. We learned about the beautiful yellow gingko leaves that are in the shape of butterflies. The boys spent almost an hour running in the leaves and throwing them up in the air. Fall fun.

I've got lots of Holiday activities planned for the family including lots of local light shows (driving and walking) and other holiday displays. So thanks for stopping by and check back often.


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