National Building Museum + Date Night


The National Building Museum is one of our go-to places when the boys are antsy but it's yucky outside.  DD hadn't been in a while so we decided to all go together one morning.  The boys spent hours building structures and robots with the oversized Lego bricks, tossing coins in the fountain, and generally running around the huge building.

BB is at the age where he likes to spend one-on-one time with each of us (and the both of us together) exploring and visiting new places.  I took him upstairs while C and DD were still playing to check out the rooms and architecture of the rest of the museum.

After the boys were in the bed, C and I went out to dinner at one of our favorite Korean BBQ restaurants.  We had mandu, sushi (me), and kalbi (BBQ beef), then went next door to the new late night cafe for tea, gelato and cakes.


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