
Bedtime for the boys is one of my favorite times of the day.  They both are bathed and brushed and moisturized and ready for some one-on-one quiet time.  I usually spend time with DD first while C is with BB.  DD and I snuggle, tickle and read books.  Lately, we've been talking about his day and all that his happened at school.  Then C and I switch and he reads to DD while I spend some time with BB.  BB tells me about his school friends, his best book, his request for a fishing trip...all the things that swirl through a young boy's head.  Lately, he's been interested in being a detective, using his magnifying glass to search for clues.

BB and DD currently have their own rooms but over the weekend we purchased a new bed that will go into BB's room.  We're moving forward with our plan for the boys to share a room.  It's a big deal because they sleep so well right now so why would we want to mess with that?  But our goal is to have them share a room during these young years so we're getting started soon.  For now, DD will sleep in his current nursery at naptime and only sleep in their shared room at night.  So far it's been working out nicely.  BB is ecstatic to have his baby brother upstairs with him, while DD remains a bit confused about why this is happening.

I will take photos of the finished room once it's complete and maybe even do a tour on Ohdeedoh.  Once BB drops his nap completely and DD can nap in peace in the shared room, DD's nursery will become our office.  It's such a cozy room and I'm so looking forward to using it in this way.


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