Glorious Snow

Snow is a rare thing here in DC, at least it has been since BB was born.  We had the awesome twin storms in 2010 that tested all the adults' patience, but instilled in my boys a lifelong love of snow.  Every winter since then they've patiently waited.   And every winter since then we've had a few flakes here and there, but barely enough to scrape together a snowball.  The second real snowfall of the season gave us about two inches and my two snow bunnies were in heaven.  Our backyard is truly a winter woodland wonderland.  In the last week, we've seen deer resting, two foxes trotting, and one very large hawk hunting near our birdfeeder!

I am so grateful to have this lovely home and yard of ours.  We did have our fun in the city finding little patches of snow in front of apartment buildings.  No one ever seemed to mind that we "borrowed" their snow.  But having our own space for BB and DD to play around in makes C and me very satisfied.  Of course, the other day DD reminisced about his garden in the city.


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