NYE 2013

Happy New Year!  Wow, we've been on an extended break.  School started back last Thursday, but then a snowstorm closed school on Friday.  We've been spending lots of time at home with pajamas on, eating homecooked meals, ordering pizza (at BB's request), playing Wii U, drawing, reading, and seeing friends. It's been so relaxing to have these extra days together.  I think the boys have really enjoyed the time as well and although compliant this morning, they were quiet when realizing we were back on a rigid time schedule in the morning.  Of course, we are getting some arctic blast of cold air tonight that some are predicting will close schools tomorrow again.

On NYE, BB had a playdate in the morning.  After we picked him up, we all headed to the Mall for some lunch and art viewing. The boys giggled over all of the naked statues and then asked in all seriousness why everyone was naked back then.  The day was gorgeous, unlike the cold weather we're about to get, so we headed over to the sculpture garden for more romping and snacks.

In the evening, we headed off to an annual NYE party, but never stay past 8.  I know BB and DD can stay up later but I'm not ready for that yet.  I'm still searching for our own NYE traditions.  Over the years, we've added poppers to the mix, so that's one thing.  After we get home from the party, we open big boxes of poppers and let the boys shoot streamers and confetti into the air.  This year, we bought really large poppers that had to be done outside.  We did some at night and then some on New Years Day.  The front patio and driveway are littered with streamers and little pieces of foil mixed in with the snow.


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