The Month of January

January is a difficult month for a lot of people.  It's so stark and cold, and right now, wet.  To make January something I can look forward to rather than dread, I'm trying to plan a small getaway or at least a few fun day trips for an upcoming long weekend. And even though the house is far from a showcase at this point, we've been having friends over. Unlike the old adage, I love hearing the sounds of all the kids screaming and giggling in the house.  And then an impromptu art session breaks out, led by BB.

I'm also focusing on food.  If we eat in one time more per week every week, I'll consider it a victory. This involves trying new recipes and prepping ahead of time. In the dead of winter, I like to keep our home chock full of fruits. We went shopping and the kitchen island is overflowing with fruits, so colorful for this time of year.

One more focus this winter is to be more active.  We all feel better at the end of the night when we are physically tired. I've been mentally exhausted for many periods throughout my life but that sometimes causes more restlessness.  So a brisk hike in the cold air to collect things for a winter nature table is also on my list.


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