Goals, Traditions

I'm not really one to set resolutions for the New Year.  I may have done it a few times as a pre-teen thinking that that was what a person does, but that was the last time.  That's not to say that I don't mark the New Year as a momentous occasion to be celebrated.  It is.  But instead of resolutions, I set goals for the upcoming year and mentally adjust longer term goals.  This year, for instance, my goal is to work on our new house and get each room the way I like.  I have other goals but this is an obvious one.

2013 was a good year.  We spent much of it thinking and worrying about our move, and then dealing with all the aspects of our move, but all of our planning really worked out and we are very happy with our new situation.

As we do annually, my little family went out for our New Years Day walk.  We headed to Great Falls, VA, as we do a lot on the first of the new year, and ended up doing the swamp trail, which was new to us.  Cherishing the old and welcoming the new.


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