Little Birds

Closing on the new house didn't happen last week due to events outside of our control but looks like we'll be in by this week.  Saturday morning we took our usual walk for coffee and breakfast.  We ate while the boys played outside in their favorite garden, feeding the little birds most of their bagels.  They found one bird (they named him Bob) who had a broken leg and needed to put his wing out as a crutch when he walked.  So they made sure that the fluffiest pieces of bagel went to Bob.  When it was time to go, a couple from the outdoor space next door let me know how wonderful BB and DD are.  They said they'd been observing them the entire morning and marveled at how gentle and funny my boys are.

With this big change in our lives I've had some moments of doubt and sleepless nights wondering if we're doing the right thing by BB and DD.  It's always nice to receive some encouragement along the way.


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