My View

This is my view (a slice of it anyway) as I sit in my office at work. I think I've mentioned that we're in the planning stages of some changes at home - boys sharing a room, revamp of guest room into playroom, DD's nursery turned into office, and sitting area of master back into sitting area.  In there is also a renovation of the upstairs bathroom. I'm excited about tackling all of these but I'm really excited about setting up the home office. Before the new(ish) job, I worked a lot in the off hours at home.  A lot. Beyond my day job, I write for Ohdeedoh so having my own desk, computer and reference materials on hand would make my life a lot easier.

I've always worked (save the few months of maternity leave), and a place where I can write my thoughts, get inspired for blogging, and write legal briefs is, I now know, critical to my well-being.  That's my view.


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