A Hectic Week

I'm bracing for a hectic week.  It's back-to-school night on Wednesday so we'll need to have GG/PP over to babysit.  C is traveling again so that means my schedule will have to shift in order to do dropoff/pickup, although I do enjoy my one parent only time with the boys.

This past weekend, although fun, was not relaxing.  The boys are still sick with colds and BB's fever returned Sunday afternoon.  My brother's wedding reception Part II took place Saturday night so after a busy morning of our usual activities, we headed over, got dressed and proceeded to greet and mingle with all the guests.  It was way past the boys' bedtime by the time we headed out.  A quick bath and it was lights out.  There are a ton of photos but not on my camera so I'll have to post them on a later date. 

My brother bought the boys two leather jackets while in Norway and they're adorable.  Pics when the weather gets cooler.


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