Modern Architecture Tour

I have a couple of posts planned that are about my Wednesdays working from home and what my day looks like.  This past Wednesday, DD and I left to pick up BB from school.  If I have the time, I leave 15-20 minutes earlier than pick up time so DD can have the chance to catch a quick cat nap.  He usually falls asleep within minutes.  You'll recall from this post that our drive together used to be much longer, close to an hour.

I had about 15 minutes to kill and I found my way to a little neighborhood near Rock Creek studded with modern homes.  I was camera-less (except for the iPhone) and I had to keep the car moving so as not to wake DD.  This was the best I could do.

There is no way I can commit to a weekly architecture feature here but I'm hoping this will be at least a regular feature.


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