No Ramen, But Japanese Nonetheless

It's been a while since C and I have had a date night.  The stars aligned Saturday night, sort of, and we had ourselves a night on the town.  The plan was to eat at our favorite ramen restaurant but when we got there, we were told the wait was 3 1/2 hours!  The place was teeming with hipsters and because 3 1/2 hours would technically be Sunday morning, we left and crossed back into the NW quadrant* where we waited an acceptable 20 minutes at the bar before being seated.  While I had seafood course after seafood course, C dined on beef, duck, and noodles.  We closed things out with chocolate peanut butter gelato.

The parenthood part of the evening is where we finished dinner and walked over to the nearby grocery store to pick up OJ for the boys' breakfast.  It was a good night.

*For those unfamiliar with D.C., the city is broken into 4 quadrants - NW, NE, SW, SE.


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