Unplanned and Perfect

Once you have kids, so many plans just go out the window.  For me, I've learned to make loose plans - after checking the weather and the calendar, I have a general idea of the type of thing we could do.  We had firm plans for Saturday that we ended blowing off.  DD changed his mind so what he had spent the morning preparing for wasn't necessary after all.

Just because I remembered it was close by to where we were, we went back to Huntley Meadows.  It was Fall the last time we were there, and I had said I wanted to return int he cold of winter to see it in the snow.  The snow never happened of course.  Instead, we jettisoned straight into Spring so there we were in shorts and t-shirts enjoying the sun.

We saw frogs, geese, and turtles, and a fallen tree that looked like a stegosaurus fossil.  For a look back at our previous visits to the Meadow, go here and here.

P.S.  Do you see BB floating in midair again in 3 separate photos here?  Wow.


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