Picnicking + End of the Year

Today is the last day of school and camp starts up on Monday.  The boys' preschool had their annual end of year picnic this past weekend.  Before the boys were school-aged, Memorial Day always felt like the kick off to summer.  But the last day of school has preempted that and now stands as the undeniable start.

Summer in years past was always a childcare struggle.  Our then-nanny always went abroad for 6-8 weeks, leaving us without childcare.  C's parents would come to pinch hit for a week, and then my parents would rotate off and do the same.  C and I would also take our turns.  It was always a stressful and chaotic time for me.  My new(ish) job has changed my attitude completely about summer and childcare issues.  Our now nanny always seems to flake out for a week or 2 during the summer but now I'm okay with it.  It means I'll take a week off and spend time with my boys romping around the city, running through fountains, visiting museums, discovering local farms.

I've started our Summer 2011 list and it's looking pretty good.  Here's to the best Summer yet.


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