Time Is Of The Essence

It's just been me with the boys in the evenings these days.  Dinner, play, bath, play, books, songs, lights out.  BB has wanted to take a shower while DD insists on a bubble bath so it takes a bit of coordination but as I was putting on their pajamas, I marveled at how much easier it is to care for the both of them on my own.  The days of gently bathing a newborn in a small tub while wrangling a young toddler in the big tub, and then diapering them both up are behind me.

When you have kids, the passage of time is something you become acutely aware of.  Before kids, weeks and months would pass by; seasons would turn and I wouldn't notice much.  My schedule stayed pretty much the same year round.  But kids change quickly week to week - they grow out of their clothes, reach new milestones, speak new words, go to school.  There is no rest, no pause.  You can't expect one summer to be like the last.  As much as I miss the baby stages, oh how I love having both silly and serious conversations with my boys.


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