Free Range Boys

There's a time for school, reading books, arts and crafts, and lessons.  BB and DD have their fair share of that.  But at this age there is nothing more important than free range play.  By this I don't mean playing with open-ended toys or even playing at the playground.  I'm talking about an open field or a forested area large enough for the boys to run wild.

For their most recent free range time, we went back to the National Arboretum.  Rather than walk the paths and visit the gardens, we set the boys out into the open field and let them run.  There were no cars or other dangers in sight so I didn't need to keep reminding them to stay closer, to look for cars, to watch out for joggers.  BB headed straight for a far away tree and climbed it the highest he's ever climbed.  And then he sat there in the tree silent and content for a good long time.  At this age, they instinctively know how to enjoy nature and it's quite the sight to behold.


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