Farewell 2010.

No doubt 2010 was a significant year for our family, as it was for many.  Many lives were changed by the flailing economy.  It was a year for us to slow down, to try and live in that fleeting margin of space/time.  I started this blog at the end of 2009 for that very reason.  C bought me a camera several months ago for that very reason.  And yet while putting together this photo retrospective of 2010, I see that time has still moved on faster than I had hoped she would.

There were some milestones this year, the biggest one being DD starting preschool and the boys going to the same school.  It's a day I dreaded yet dreamed about, and being DD, he handled it so well.  Another major milestone for us was putting the boys together in one bedroom.  It's something both C and I wanted to do, but it was a hard decision to make because naptime and bedtime has been so smooth.  We were breaking the cardinal parenting rule - don't fix it if it ain't broke.  But so far it's been working well so together they shall stay.

While I ache for my 1 and 3 year olds, I so enjoy my 2 and 4 year olds and cannot wait for the coming 3 and 5 year olds.  That's how I know life is good - past, present and future all gifts to behold.  Happy New Year everyone!  See you in 2011.


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