The Beginning...and the End.

The air was thick and heavy the other night but BB and DD wanted to go outside for one more breath of fresh air before bath time.  So we brought out some pop its I bought over the weekend.  The remains litter our slate stoop like little flower blossoms.

This time of year always causes mixed emotions for me.  On the one hand, both BB and DD are celebrating birthdays so we're in a celebrating mood around here.  The weather is warm and the days grow longer.  On the other hand, the school year is drawing to a close and it's time to say goodbye to many friends who won't be returning to our school.  It's especially momentous this year as BB will be graduating from his Primary class in his Montessori school and moving on to a new teacher and class after being with the same teacher and friends for 3 years.  It also means that the boys will start summer camp soon at a wholly different school, some place they've never been.  More transition.

In the meantime, we've got another week of school left, the annual school picnic, a couple of end of year parties, and a graduation party packed in next week - all chances to spend time together before saying goodbye.


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