
As is the Chinese way, when BB was born, we called him BaoBao (little treasure) in Mandarin.  And he was and is that.  DD, of course, is the same to us.  After BB was born, we couldn't imagine loving anyone more.  He was (and remains) truly adorable.  Angelic.  When I found out I was pregnant with DD, I was a little worried.  How could he equal the cuteness of BB?  Those are the kinds of worries I had as a mother of one.  Once I laid eyes on DD, I understood it all.

Recently, there have been several new babies born around me and that pang from deep within has returned.  Who doesn't love a sweet-smelling newborn or a chunky baby?  It's not that my two sons aren't enough. Quite the opposite.  BB and DD are so wonderful that I know a third (or fourth!) would be just as wonderful.  For years after DD was born, that door has been left open.  But I know that time in my life has passed so I've closed the door for good.  Just saying that - writing that even - causes a twinge of sadness.


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