Fall Beach Trip

The boys did not have school on Friday and I've been planning for a while to take that day off for some mama time.  The forecast had predicted rain so the plan was to go to a movie but when the weather started looking up, I decided to drive to the beach.  I had planned on taking the boys on a trip to the beach earlier in the Fall, but the weekend we had chosen was hurricane weekend, so we were all due.

Everything went our way that day - virtually no one was at the beach, they don't charge admission on Fridays, and the sun came out from behind a thick cover of cloud just as we arrived.  Traffic, on the other hand, was not agreeable at all and it turned a 90 minute drive to almost two hours.  It didn't matter though; the boys had fabulous fun.  I got to relax on my beach towel while BB and DD came up with endless games of make believe.  In one day they were chefs, anthropologists, paleontologists, and explorers.


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