Feeding Birds

All children become fascinated with birds at some point, don't you think?  As a child, I was always thrilled to find a birds' nest, and even better if there were eggs inside.  Well, the boys have been talking about birds a lot lately and given that it's winter (despite the mild temperatures), it's a good time to study birds.

Santa brought us some great books including a good one on robins.  So we learn from that and scope out birds' nests every chance we get.  Yesterday I decided that given the first snow has come, it was time to feed the birds.  I picked DD up from school and we worked on making feeding rings by stringing Cheerios and then hanging from our tree.  We also filled a painted birdhouse DD made from a milk carton with Cheerios, but we'll wait for a dry day to put that one out for the birds.

Next up is our bird's nest helpers.  I purposely bought fruit and vegetables that came in mesh bags at the market so we could do this project.


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