A Laid Back Saturday

The boys slept until 7:00 this morning(!).  C and I were full of energy as a result.  After our usual swimming, I took BB to gymnastics and C took DD to a neighborhood fall fair.  Unfortunately, C took no photos but just as I rounded the corner to our house, BB spotted DD sitting on C's shoulders carrying a painted pumpkin and balloons.  He was so proud to show me his spoils although he also told me that he had won a lollipop which daddy had broken by accident.  The afternoon got off to a late start as both boys slept late.  BB wanted to go shopping with me so C took DD to a nearby playground. After we all met up again, I ran into DD's old teacher from his getting ready for preschool classes.  She told me how much she missed having DD in her class.  Isn't that sweet?  C told me DD was happy to see her as well.  (Thanks, Miriam!)

While I cooked, the boys played.  I found this creation by BB.  He emptied out his toolbox to create this truck.  He was really happy with it.

Tomorrow C will be out of town so it's just me and the boys.  We'll be visiting GG and enjoying another day of gorgeous fall weather.


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