An Art Project A Day

A new activity that I'm trying to fit into the schedule is an art project a day. Now that the larger table is set up and the play kitchen is in its own nook, I want to focus more on art. As a child, I loved art. I loved the materials, the color, the smell, the process, and of course, the end product. I think it's particularly important for boys to engage in arts and crafts.Girls always seem to gravitate naturally to things like coloring.

So much of BB and DD's day outside of Montessori is centered around active play but I'd like them to have a bit of quiet time, sitting and working on something and to find that process enjoyable. So this will happen either right after I get home before dinnertime or right after dinner before bathtime. I suppose it will depend on the day. Don't get me wrong.  This is art after all so I'm not wanting to be too rigid but I want to give them the opportunity for art time that is somewhat structured and led by me.

These are not meant to be complicated projects. Tonight DD chose colors and brushes to do a painting. BB found a piece of cardboard that he said looked like a fish and here is the end product.


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