Bike Riding and So Much More

I don't know if we're super late to the game or not, but on Saturday, both BB and DD rode their bikes for the first time without training wheels.  It happened just like that.  This was one of the many reasons we wanted to move to suburbia; that is not to say that a child cannot learn to ride a bike in the city.  It is more difficult though and we really had no place to store bikes for all of us (I know because C and I both had our bikes stolen off our back deck).

So besides the boys' great accomplishment of learning how to ride a bike with relative ease, another reason why this is newsworthy to me is because it's something I can cross off my list.  I am one of those mamas that keeps a mental list of things that I haven't done, places we haven't gone, lessons I haven't taught them, books we haven't read, activities we haven't participated in, etc.  The list goes on into the minutiae but I'll spare you.  I'm trying to discontinue that list, or at the very least, not add to it anymore, but it's a difficult habit to break.  It helps to see BB and DD growing into wonderful young people - kind, caring, happy, intelligent, curious.  It also helps to hear from other parents how wonderful they think BB and DD are.  And it really helps to hear a parenting compliment from friends, and even strangers.  


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