Fall is Camping Time

C just got back from a camping trip with a friend.  It was the kind of camping that I wouldn't like - hiking long distances while carrying heavy backpacks, drinking out of ponds, and going to the bathroom in the great outdoors.

Every year, C and this friend (sometimes with yet another friend) take all the kids camping.  This means that once a year I have the house entirely to myself for the whole day and night.  Due to schedules, C took BB and DD on his own this time for the first time, but no matter, I still had my day. I made plans with a friend to shop all the home design stores in Old Town, eat delicious food and drink coffee, and basically catch up.  We did just that in the perfect 80 degree weather.  

Everyone was back as quick as can be, and on Sunday morning the house was again filled with the sounds of the boys running, laughing, squealing and bickering.


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