In The Kitchen

I mentioned last week that I've been trying to follow a meal plan.  The scheduling helps me stay organized, which is critical to getting dinner on the table on work nights.  I try to keep things relatively simple with a few quick dinners up my sleeve for nights I'm running late.  The other upside is that when grocery shopping, I no longer need to make a list.  I know I'm late to the meal planning concept but I'm here to say "it really does work!"

Speaking of food, I'm starting to get a glimpse into how much growing boys can eat.  Since starting full day school, BB has been eating lunch at school.  But when he gets home at 3:30, the nanny gives him a second lunch that I make in the morning, usually chicken, vegetables, rice and a bowl of soup.  Then he eats a full dinner.  Amazing, especially for the skinniest kid I know.


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