U.S. Botanical Garden + American Indian Museum

Our being home for the holidays theme continued with a trip to the U.S. Botanical Garden.  We go annually during Christmas to visit the awesome miniature trains and buildings.  But every year the boys take one quick look at the trains (Thomas is there as well) and then scurry away wanting to visit the Jungle Room and other rooms.  The big hit this year with both of them was the succulents room, especially the cacti.  Luckily they know better than to touch because there were cacti spilling out into the pathway.  It was truly gorgeous.  We had to go back three times.  BB was particularly enamored with the animal footprints embedded in the pathway and the animal skull amid the plants.  And, of course, for us no trip could be complete without a near dip into the fountain.  Once BB and DD cleaned me out of change, they had to look for fallen leaves and petals to throw in.

Afterwards, we made the short walk over to the American Indian Museum for tamales, buffalo chili and buffalo burgers and then let the boys run wild for bit before heading home.


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