The Snow Has Finally Arrived

The second-half of the predicted snowstorm arrived bringing us the first real snow of the season.  And, no, this one didn't count.  I decided to work from home today and then C came home early.  The gloomy weather, however, left us without much to do.  By the time nap was over, sleet started to fall.  So we ate snacks while waiting for the snow to come.  BB and I worked on these marshmallow and toothpick buildings.  He made a robot and then a jungle gym complete with people climbing on top out of a rectangle I started.

DD headed straight outside to throw snowballs at C.  This snow is perfect for snowballs. After dinner I went outside to gather a small tub of the dense snow for the boys to play with in the bath.  Lots of questions were asked about why snow melts so much faster than ice in the steamy bathwater.


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