Bathtime Play

As newborns, both BB and DD loved taking baths.  This has not changed as they've grown.  I think I've sung the praises of our master bathroom before.  It's simply a perfect space for the boys' nighttime baths.  We had the tub built-in with a ledge on one side for bath toys.  This spills over into a large open shower area so they can splash and pour water all they want.  It's not a problem.  Sometime they ask for a shower instead.  We just run both shower heads and let them soak and play.

When they were younger I searched for the perfect bath toy.  None could hold their interests for more than a few days.  I've discovered that they're just looking for the basics - some colored bath tablets or food coloring, bubble bath, MegaBloks, plastic containers and cups, or bath crayons are all they need.  We rotate through these props on a routine basis and they are perfectly happy.   Lately, I've been bringing up a plastic bowl of ice cubes for them to melt in the steaming bath water.  The next time we get enough snow on the ground, I'm going to fill the bowl with powdery snow!

On weekdays I don't have much opportunity to take photos.  I'm in the office all day and by the time I get home it is pitch black.  Sometimes we squeeze in a walk or a small project before dinner and I'll try to pick up my camera then.  Otherwise the only time I have is bathtime and the slot before bedtime.  C usually gives them their bath but he was out last night so I grabbed the camera to capture some of the sweet moments I have to spend with them before bed.


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